Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The FFB fail

Fantasy football first big fail print.
You can see how the quality of the filament changes over the print.
Did some testing and figured out that the filament is not melting consistently.
Bought a new one.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Creating the FFB trophy

Currently I'm printing the robot model i decided to combine the Fantasy Football Trophy with the video series and changed the FFB model and added the previously created joint. 
I also did two versions of the hand axis to check which works best.
One version has angled sides to help slip in for the A5.
The other version has a spitted A5 female side.

I had to remodel the FFB hand, the source of those two files is GrabCad

The whole model separated

Suspension system for the A2

Base, A1and A2

Both hand axis

 The angled version of the A5.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Movable snap axis!

New series on my channel it is about designing a  movable robot model.
First part is about creating the movable snap axis, which will be used in all joints with a different scale.
Check out the video 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Smartphone holder

New project, started a channel on YouTube.
The first series is about designing a smartphone holder for my 3d printer, Monoprice Ultimate.
The design was done in Fusion 360.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

FFB Titan update

Update from the FFB Titan, the model is created i'm no looking how to print it.
I have to decide if all together or separated.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Following up on the miniatures project, next one will be a KUKA TITAN.
Here all the separated parts for the static model,.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


I just finished a 85 hour print, fortunately it just fail ones after the first couple layers,
the layer height is 0.06 mm.
The model is the KUKA YouBot in 1:2, it is a first shoot i modified the joints so they a re movable.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Super Phantom CAD

Working with fusion 360 on different models, one of them is the Super Phantom.

It is inspired from the B2, it has six board canons, lol, more like a flying fortress
auto canon 100 mm, grenade launcher 200 mm and big boy 400 mm.

No need to say that's oversize, clear if you thing about a tank canon which has 120 mm.
The whole thing is kind a science fiction.