Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Easter eggs

Some easter stuff
This eggs can be used as a extra surprise

 Mr. Long-ear

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

From Metal to PLA

From Metal to PLA

Here a small project about recreating a hard drive fast switch case.
The origin frame was metal and the hdd was fixed with screws.
After creating the first prototype i cam up with the idea to make it screwless, it is now fixed some kind of click mechanism. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

My Maker's Blog!!!

Hi guys,

this is the start of my Makers blog.
First a Printing project.

The picture in the background is a 50 mm sphere i printed, main use is for foot massage.
It is so strong you can stand on it. Designed in Blender prepared with Cura and printed on my Monoprice Maker Ultimate - MK11.

Here some printing values: